lunes, 13 de agosto de 2018


Hello :)

In this two years of my career, I has been fine with my subjects, but I would liked to have a subject that was associated emotional well-being in the first year. In the subject of "Psichobiology" I would have to know more about the sexual behavior in animals, the examples that the teacher gave in classes were very interesting.
In relation with the years of duration of the career, I´m fine with these years are five, but I wish I had had more field trips in my second semester, for example, go to a clinic at Santiago. With this, I say that the future students should  have more field trips in their second semester of their first year.

So, in relation to the use of technology, the teachers should improve their activities with more use of the technology, for example,  make exhibitions with videos with better quality.  If we go to study to be professionals, we need material with better quality. as well, in associated with the behavior of teachers, In some subjects, there are teachers that are monotonous with their way of  teaching, they should improve their methodology with more charisma in their classes.

In relation with study areas,  we should have more areas there we can study in silence. In the majority areas there is a lot noise. we need  more study areas for study with silence, and also we need have other study areas there we can talk in group without bothering anyone.

Also we have more Green Areas, It´s very boring study in areas with only cement

That´s all

lunes, 6 de agosto de 2018


Hello Everybody :3

In this day I going to talk about a person that I admire since I met, she is Margarita Bórquez Quintas, also she is known as "Maga".  She is my  neurophysiology teacher.
Resultado de imagen para simbolo de neurociencias I don´t know her very much, but she studied at University of Chile in Santiago,  and she was pupil of my psychobiology teacher, who is Marcial Beltrami. In her first years in the University she estudied philosophy, but afther she went for the road of the neuroscience.

Resultado de imagen para margarita borquez quintasI like this theacher because she es one of the persons who most motivates to her studens. Since  I was in four year of the highschool, I was never good with the biology, and in a tutorial with her, I said a thing very stupid, and she said me " I will not defeat with you, you can with everything". She is very friendly with  her students and also with  assistants. It´s for that reason that I  admire her a lot. She has a lot of  Knowledge, and she´s not selfish or egocentric with that.

lunes, 30 de julio de 2018

Post 6: Post Graduate Studies

Hello Everybody :)

If I was finishing my studies, It´s probable that I will stop living in my apartment and I will live with my boyfriend to other apartment or  we buy a new house.  In relation to my studies, after to having studied my career of psychology, I plan to do a master´s degree about couple relationship in the systemic area. Also, I want to continue with my nutrition´s class and also with my trainings to become in well-being coach. 
Resultado de imagen para terapia de parejasResultado de imagen para herbalife centro

I want to take with my studies because I want improve every day with myself. Since I was little, I  have always wanted to help people with your I have always wanted to help people with their problems, And I think  that If I stop  doing specializacion courses, I can not help them completely.   

Resultado de imagen para osornoI plan to continue my studies abroad of Santiago, I still  don´t know  If I will leave the country, But I know that I will go south of Chile with my  boyfriend to live.

I want study with part-time courses, for to study and at the same time to work in same well-being center of the "Herbalife Company". At the same time, I want to go for a while to visit to my parents in Cañete, and Stay with them for make up for the time I lost.

Thank´s :)

lunes, 23 de julio de 2018

My Future Job

Hello Everybody :3

In the Actually, I study Psychology in the university of Chile in Santiago, But today I want to talk about I want to do in my future like psychologist. First, If I would want to work, it be outdoors and also indoors, because I want to help to people to improve your health in the nutritional field and diet field. As future psychologist, I plan to creat a well-being center, wich I want to have a therapy room and also two doors, where I can to have a space for exercise and also for share with my customers about a good diet and a good way  to cook in our houses with our families.

For accomplish  with this objective, today I´m in a well-being center in Francisco Bilbao Street in Santiago, and I want get trained me for to be a  Coach of Well-being, and also I want study about diet, and eating disorders with some doctorate.

For me it´s very beautiful this goal, because since I was six years old I have had excess weight, and I don´t want to see more children, women and men suffering for their weight, And I thing that with the psychology and all  everything I learn in this center will help me to also improve my relation with myself.

Thanks´s :3

sábado, 21 de julio de 2018

Post 4: Drugs

Good Night :D

I don´t know much about drugs, because for me the drugs are a way for hurt your body. I don´t hate the drugs, but since I was seven years old, I saw how a uncle killed himself for the drugs abuse. Is for this reason because I don´t consume any drug, but, I have friends who consume, and I respect them and love them as they are. I think that the kind of drug that is the most popular in my country are the drug medicine, because in ouw country, the doctors, for a interest in a economic gain, they fill people with medication, and not all drug medicine help the people. My opinion about if the mariguana should be ilegal it´s arbitrary, because I don´t know about drugs, so if I´m not informed about something, I don´t have right to say something; that is my humble opinion.
In my life, I never  experienced the use of any drug, but I always I ask my family or my friends about their opinion about the drug. My parents don´t like the drugs, my sister thinks the same as me, and some friends say that drugs like marijuana relaxes them, and I think that is generally for that reason because the peolpe consume very drugs, because we live in a stressful city.

Thanks :) 

lunes, 23 de abril de 2018

My best holiday :)

Hello Everybody :)

I always miss my holidays during the year. My best holiday is the last holiday of the year 2016. This holiday is very important for me because in that year  I meet to my boyfriend, And it was in the exact moment when I went to the bank in Cañete.  When I met him, we began to go to many places, for example, we went to the beach of lebu, and we danced inside to the "Cueva del toro", with the music of a flute player. Also, we went  to the Antihuala Lake, where we did martial arts and fought every weekend. Also I met his father, he is a very hard-working man, and his little brother, he is a bpy very charming and well-mannered. Also we went to the lookout "Piedra del Aguila". Where we took our first picture where we gave a kiss, this experience was very romantic and fun. When I was in my house, my boyfriend and I wachted a many movies in the late, and my mother cooked the dinner. That holiday was the most wonderful one that I have had.
Thank´s :)

lunes, 16 de abril de 2018

My childhood

Hello Everybody :)

The song that brought  back my childhood memories is  "Los chicos no lloran" of the singer Miguel Bosé. This song reminds me that when I was a little girl, I acted like a boy, and when my father to went outside to the work, I was "the man of the house".

My most favorite childhood memory is when I was five years old and I went to the beach of Lebu with my family and my swin sister. That day  was the first moment that I  met the water and the waves of the sea, and since this moment I love the water and swim in the sea, in the river or in the lake.
When I was six years old, I used to whatch japanese series in the TV or in CD´s  that my father broughts me from his work in the north. For example, I was a fanatic of "pokemon" when I was six years old and I loved to play to be a "pokemon coach".

In general, my childhood was very good, because my parents were always with me, specially in my happy moments and in the sad moments.

lunes, 9 de abril de 2018

Post 1: México

Hello everybody :D

Each country is a book with a world inside, where there are many traditions, histories, and many different  quotidians lifes.  If I ever go abroad, I would like to visit Mexico. I like this country because since  I was a  girl, I have always  liked the mexican Traditions.  One of this traditions is the important celebration " Day of the dead". On this day people wear a diversity of costumes and they make a  beautiful ceremory to the people who have passed away.

So, If I went there, I would visit  the beach of Cancum. In this peach, I can to swim and enjoy of the nice climate, and tan me in the sand. Other place in mexico that is very interesting is Gualadajara. the people say that this city is famous for its food, and you can eat  its delicious tequila. Also, You can listen the romantic mariachi music in live in places like "Tlaquepaque".

If  you can to go afroad, I recommend you to visit Mexico.