lunes, 13 de agosto de 2018


Hello :)

In this two years of my career, I has been fine with my subjects, but I would liked to have a subject that was associated emotional well-being in the first year. In the subject of "Psichobiology" I would have to know more about the sexual behavior in animals, the examples that the teacher gave in classes were very interesting.
In relation with the years of duration of the career, I´m fine with these years are five, but I wish I had had more field trips in my second semester, for example, go to a clinic at Santiago. With this, I say that the future students should  have more field trips in their second semester of their first year.

So, in relation to the use of technology, the teachers should improve their activities with more use of the technology, for example,  make exhibitions with videos with better quality.  If we go to study to be professionals, we need material with better quality. as well, in associated with the behavior of teachers, In some subjects, there are teachers that are monotonous with their way of  teaching, they should improve their methodology with more charisma in their classes.

In relation with study areas,  we should have more areas there we can study in silence. In the majority areas there is a lot noise. we need  more study areas for study with silence, and also we need have other study areas there we can talk in group without bothering anyone.

Also we have more Green Areas, It´s very boring study in areas with only cement

That´s all

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