lunes, 30 de julio de 2018

Post 6: Post Graduate Studies

Hello Everybody :)

If I was finishing my studies, It´s probable that I will stop living in my apartment and I will live with my boyfriend to other apartment or  we buy a new house.  In relation to my studies, after to having studied my career of psychology, I plan to do a master´s degree about couple relationship in the systemic area. Also, I want to continue with my nutrition´s class and also with my trainings to become in well-being coach. 
Resultado de imagen para terapia de parejasResultado de imagen para herbalife centro

I want to take with my studies because I want improve every day with myself. Since I was little, I  have always wanted to help people with your I have always wanted to help people with their problems, And I think  that If I stop  doing specializacion courses, I can not help them completely.   

Resultado de imagen para osornoI plan to continue my studies abroad of Santiago, I still  don´t know  If I will leave the country, But I know that I will go south of Chile with my  boyfriend to live.

I want study with part-time courses, for to study and at the same time to work in same well-being center of the "Herbalife Company". At the same time, I want to go for a while to visit to my parents in Cañete, and Stay with them for make up for the time I lost.

Thank´s :)

lunes, 23 de julio de 2018

My Future Job

Hello Everybody :3

In the Actually, I study Psychology in the university of Chile in Santiago, But today I want to talk about I want to do in my future like psychologist. First, If I would want to work, it be outdoors and also indoors, because I want to help to people to improve your health in the nutritional field and diet field. As future psychologist, I plan to creat a well-being center, wich I want to have a therapy room and also two doors, where I can to have a space for exercise and also for share with my customers about a good diet and a good way  to cook in our houses with our families.

For accomplish  with this objective, today I´m in a well-being center in Francisco Bilbao Street in Santiago, and I want get trained me for to be a  Coach of Well-being, and also I want study about diet, and eating disorders with some doctorate.

For me it´s very beautiful this goal, because since I was six years old I have had excess weight, and I don´t want to see more children, women and men suffering for their weight, And I thing that with the psychology and all  everything I learn in this center will help me to also improve my relation with myself.

Thanks´s :3

sábado, 21 de julio de 2018

Post 4: Drugs

Good Night :D

I don´t know much about drugs, because for me the drugs are a way for hurt your body. I don´t hate the drugs, but since I was seven years old, I saw how a uncle killed himself for the drugs abuse. Is for this reason because I don´t consume any drug, but, I have friends who consume, and I respect them and love them as they are. I think that the kind of drug that is the most popular in my country are the drug medicine, because in ouw country, the doctors, for a interest in a economic gain, they fill people with medication, and not all drug medicine help the people. My opinion about if the mariguana should be ilegal it´s arbitrary, because I don´t know about drugs, so if I´m not informed about something, I don´t have right to say something; that is my humble opinion.
In my life, I never  experienced the use of any drug, but I always I ask my family or my friends about their opinion about the drug. My parents don´t like the drugs, my sister thinks the same as me, and some friends say that drugs like marijuana relaxes them, and I think that is generally for that reason because the peolpe consume very drugs, because we live in a stressful city.

Thanks :)