lunes, 23 de julio de 2018

My Future Job

Hello Everybody :3

In the Actually, I study Psychology in the university of Chile in Santiago, But today I want to talk about I want to do in my future like psychologist. First, If I would want to work, it be outdoors and also indoors, because I want to help to people to improve your health in the nutritional field and diet field. As future psychologist, I plan to creat a well-being center, wich I want to have a therapy room and also two doors, where I can to have a space for exercise and also for share with my customers about a good diet and a good way  to cook in our houses with our families.

For accomplish  with this objective, today I´m in a well-being center in Francisco Bilbao Street in Santiago, and I want get trained me for to be a  Coach of Well-being, and also I want study about diet, and eating disorders with some doctorate.

For me it´s very beautiful this goal, because since I was six years old I have had excess weight, and I don´t want to see more children, women and men suffering for their weight, And I thing that with the psychology and all  everything I learn in this center will help me to also improve my relation with myself.

Thanks´s :3

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