lunes, 23 de abril de 2018

My best holiday :)

Hello Everybody :)

I always miss my holidays during the year. My best holiday is the last holiday of the year 2016. This holiday is very important for me because in that year  I meet to my boyfriend, And it was in the exact moment when I went to the bank in Cañete.  When I met him, we began to go to many places, for example, we went to the beach of lebu, and we danced inside to the "Cueva del toro", with the music of a flute player. Also, we went  to the Antihuala Lake, where we did martial arts and fought every weekend. Also I met his father, he is a very hard-working man, and his little brother, he is a bpy very charming and well-mannered. Also we went to the lookout "Piedra del Aguila". Where we took our first picture where we gave a kiss, this experience was very romantic and fun. When I was in my house, my boyfriend and I wachted a many movies in the late, and my mother cooked the dinner. That holiday was the most wonderful one that I have had.
Thank´s :)

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